
Year of the Pig: OINK OINK

Xie Niang Kwai Luh! Gong Xie Fa Tai! Happy Chinese New Year, y'all!

I took this was last week at Union Square. There was a promotional performance for this Chinese "Spectacular" show or something. Union Square, land of hipsters, skaters and breakers, reppin' my people, holler. Anyhow.

This year, momma took a break from making a feast and the Wang clan dined out. It was alright, momma does it better but here's some of the dishes:

The lobster was really good though (lower left).

Then we had tiramisu cheesecake. I'm not fond of cheesecake but I do like tiramisu. Not bad for a cheesecake, I guess, it was from Juniors. Yeah, Diddy wanna put me in a band or wha?


Girl Next Country

I mean her status, not her size. Saw Lil Angel Lily Allen last Saturday wit my fave black friend and her dude friend who wore a "SAVE DARFUR" shirt. Save Darfar.

Anyway, too lazy to post before but I realize that when one decides to "blog", you basically become a short story writer. I'm an ar-teest, I haven't written a term paper or essay since apply to college. No complaints though, writing helps me to explain/express myself better.

ANYWAY, getting back mah girl. She had a DJ as the opening, good music but the wait for too long. She came out finally in her collared short sleeve one piece pleated dress wit a big o' gun necklace, white kicks and cute bangs to match. I like that she had a beatbox next to the mic and she'd make sounds during the show [no, dirty].

Here's Lily singing "Not Big" [that's right]:

As I filmed a few performances, I noticed she's kinda thick, in the thighs/calves area. She likes to eat therefore she's good wit me. Plus she's a spunky, who likes a boring chick. She took a shot and smoked a cig later on during the performance. DO YOU.


Eternal Sunshine

Two lovers found embracing each other in their last hour, what it seems. This brings me hope. Where's my dirt[y] man?